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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Crabby Appleton / Go Back: The Crabby Appleton Anthology【K2023/9/15発売】

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管理番号 新品 :30761666220
中古 :30761666220-1
メーカー 【輸入盤CD】【新品】Crabby 発売日 2025/02/09 13:36 定価 4890円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Crabby Appleton / Go Back: The Crabby Appleton Anthology【K2023/9/15発売】

Two CD set. First-ever complete anthology of highly regarded early 70s American proto-power pop band Crabby Appleton. After the demise of Curt Boettchers late 60s project The Millennium, gifted singer and songwriter Michael Fennelly joined forces with LA club band Stonehenge to form Crabby Appleton. Signed to Elektra, they made their debut with the glorious Go Back, a hit single that married a mid-60s pop sensibility with early 70s studio advances to stand as a proto-power pop classic. A slightly different mix of the track featured on their self-titled debut album, which attracted rave reviews from the underground press and sold reasonably well. But the band were unable to follow Go Back with another hit single, and after second album Rotten To The Core! made little impact, they disintegrated. The first-ever complete compilation of the bands work, Go Back: The Crabby Appleton Anthology includes both albums and a raft of singles (including rare mono mixes and non- LP tracks) as well as two miniature tracks that were only included on the first albums 8- track release and are therefore making their first digital appearance. Featuring a new 5000 word essay on the band, and housed in a stylish digipak, Go Back is the definite document of a fine group that deserve to be remembered as far more than one-hit wonders.発売日: 2023/9/15輸入盤UKレーベル: Grapefruit収録曲: 1.1 Go Back1.2 The Other Side1.3 Catherine1.4 Peace By Peace1.5 To All My Friends1.6 Last Night in Your Sleep, John1.7 Try1.8 Cant Live My Life1.9 Some Madness1.10 Hunger for Love1.11 How Long Will It Take1.12 Last Night in Your Sleep, Fred1.13 Bonus Tracks1.14 Go Back (Mono Single, Alternative Version)1.15 Try (Mono Single, Alternative Version)1.16 My Little Lucy (Mono Single, Alternative Version of Lucy)1.17 Some Madness (Mono Single)1.18 Grab on1.19 Cant Live My Life (Mono Single, Alternative Version)2.1 Smokin in the Morning2.2 Tomorrows a New Day2.3 Its So Hard2.4 Makes No Difference2.5 You Make Me Hot2.6 One More Time2.7 Lucy2.8 Paper to Write on2.9 Lookin for Love2.10 Love Can Change Everything2.11 Gonna Save You (From That)2.12 Bonus Tracks2.13 Tomorrows a New Day (Mono Single)2.14 Its So Hard (Mono Single)コメント:Two CD set. First-ever complete anthology of highly regarded early 70s American proto-power pop band Crabby Appleton. After the demise of Curt Boettchers late 60s project The Millennium, gifted singer and songwriter Michael Fennelly joined forces with LA club band Stonehenge to form Crabby Appleton. Signed to Elektra, they made their debut with the glorious Go Back, a hit single that married a mid-60s pop sensibility with early 70s studio advances to stand as a proto-power pop classic. A slightly different mix of the track featured on their self-titled debut album, which attracted rave reviews from the underground press and sold reasonably well. But the band were unable to follow Go Back with another hit single, and after second album Rotten To The Core! made little impact, they disintegrated. The first-ever complete compilation of the bands work, Go Back: The Crabby Appleton Anthology includes both albums and a raft of singles (including rare mono mixes and non- LP tracks) as well as two miniature tracks that were only included on the first albums 8- track release and are therefore making their first digital appearance. Featuring a new 5000 word essay on the band, and housed in a stylish digipak, Go Back is the definite document of a fine group that deserve to be remembered as far more than one-hit wonders.




