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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Kinit Her / The Nature Out There (Digipak)【K2023/12/15発売】

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新品 1864円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :3074867194
中古 :3074867194-1
メーカー 【輸入盤CD】【新品】Kinit 発売日 2025/02/11 19:35 定価 2390円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Kinit Her / The Nature Out There (Digipak)【K2023/12/15発売】

With their fifteenth full-length "The Nature Out There", Kinit Her have reached a culminating and breath-taking height in their organic growth. Transcending all artificial limitations such as genre or instrumentation, the symbolist post-folk collective present a beautiful kaleidoscope of bursting musical colours and spiritual journeys into the wonders of nature with lush soundscapes that amazes and thrills with every note. Ever since their founding in the heart of Wisconsin in 2005 by vocalist and man of strings Troy Schafer and electronic sound designer and lyricist Nathaniel Ritter, Kinit Her have been relentlessly pushing to expand the aesthetic and stylistic range of neofolk into unique new shapes under the banner of what the band calls "symbolist post-folk music". Channeling such diverse influences as neoclassical, early music, folk, industrial, avant-garde rock, black metal, ambient, pop, and many others, Kinit Her have sounded organic tone-mantras from shofar horns, bent sweetened notes on beaten guitars, intoned harmonised enumeration of spells and dreams, and backed it all by string and brass arrangements, acoustic ephemera, and twinkling electronic sound designs. Kinit Her emerge from a heavenly vault of related projects and shared collaborations of contributors as one of the brightest stars in this celestial sound constellation. "The Nature Out There" is the guiding light for a generation of folk and neofolk related music trying to reach new sonic dimensions.発売日: 2023/12/15輸入盤レーベル: Prophecy収録曲: 1.1 The Nature Out There1.2 How the Game Appears1.3 Tears of Gold1.4 Blood Blood Blood (Wormsblood Cover)1.5 On the Bridge of Dreams1.6 Without Ending1.7 Turn for the Better1.8 Death Is a Marriage1.9 The Mask of Life Breaks1.10 Blind Calf (To Offer)コメント:With their fifteenth full-length "The Nature Out There", Kinit Her have reached a culminating and breath-taking height in their organic growth. Transcending all artificial limitations such as genre or instrumentation, the symbolist post-folk collective present a beautiful kaleidoscope of bursting musical colours and spiritual journeys into the wonders of nature with lush soundscapes that amazes and thrills with every note. Ever since their founding in the heart of Wisconsin in 2005 by vocalist and man of strings Troy Schafer and electronic sound designer and lyricist Nathaniel Ritter, Kinit Her have been relentlessly pushing to expand the aesthetic and stylistic range of neofolk into unique new shapes under the banner of what the band calls "symbolist post-folk music". Channeling such diverse influences as neoclassical, early music, folk, industrial, avant-garde rock, black metal, ambient, pop, and many others, Kinit Her have sounded organic tone-mantras from shofar horns, bent sweetened notes on beaten guitars, intoned harmonised enumeration of spells and dreams, and backed it all by string and brass arrangements, acoustic ephemera, and twinkling electronic sound designs. Kinit Her emerge from a heavenly vault of related projects and shared collaborations of contributors as one of the brightest stars in this celestial sound constellation. "The Nature Out There" is the guiding light for a generation of folk and neofolk related music trying to reach new sonic dimensions.





